Anyway, we have had quite a few 'threes' this month but before all that, I'd just like to say a massive thankyou to all you lovely lot for your messages and emails,I've only recently been able to read them and I have appreciated each and every one of them.
If there is one sure thing in this's that boys fight and will fight for as long as there are boys on the earth..its an animal thing and boys are part of the animal kingdom,(stinky hairy monsters if you ask me!) the only difference nowadays is that the other boys parents will wants to sue in courts and all that.A previous Friday was spent in a police station for 3 hours being told so. We're talking about boyish 'fisticuffs' here, nothing more..but the less said about that the better.
I hadn't meant to be away for this long, my computer decided to be ill...very virusly ill, ill to the point of it having to go to the computer hospital and have a very expensive operation that I'm yet to find the money for( how guilty am I feeling now about all my recent purchases!! arrrgh!)
My lovely, lovely eldest sister gave me a spare laptop as a present only for me to trip on the wire and watch it drop onto the wooden floor..I was mortified...MORTIFIED..Beside myself that I had had this wonderful gift..given just for me to use and then go and break it the very next day. It works when it decides it wants to and when it doesn't it's very stripey and bleepy and does all sorts of other scary things that someone as computer illiterate as me finds terrifying. Today it wanted to work with a bit of twisting and several restarts so here I am..for now..but I may disappear again!
I sometimes think there must be another 'Sairer' living a fun filled easy life in a parallel universe somewhere!
I've just had a sad end to a nice start of the week as a lovely lady I garden for, had to have her second Great Dane put to sleep this sad, Parker was a beautiful boy as was her other Dane,Dexter. It was done whilst I was there and was very upsetting to say the least.One of my little grey hens died last week too, for no apparent reason ..poor little Violet is lost without her friend.I think that's why death is so sad,whether it's a person or animal who departs this world, sad for the ones who are left behind..the ones who are left feeling a bit lost.
Gosh, I'm sounding a tad morbid now..let's get on to some nicer stuff!

Monday saw a visit to this wonderful place..Eastnor castle in Ledbury.

Its a fascinating place and although it looks medieval at first glance, it is actually early Victorian, a Gothic Folly that's belonged to the same family since it was built and lovers of William Morris style or Pugin will really appreciate it.

The tag is from Julia at Vintage Heaven for 5 random things you didn't know about may wish you didn't ask,Julia! so here goes.. .
It stuck.It's on all legal documents and my passport. Now I spend my life saying "no, not Sarah with an H, but an I and an E". hmm..only the logic of a 10 year old.

2. I'm the only one in our house that likes tomatoes.I could eat them til the cows come home,but I'm also the only one who hates cucumber, I can't have it anyway near anything as I can pick out the taste immediately. yuck.It's the devils food

3.I have a tattoo of an orange tiger-lily (just like this one!)..but shhh, that's a secret.I hate it. luckily it's somewhere where I can hide it!

4.I once fell down a manhole in Birmingham.(A little worse for ware I might add). Red and white tape around a hole means stay away..well away.
5.My best friend committed suicide when I was 23. I had known him since we were 8. we did A'level art together and were inseparable for many years.I will never get over it. Ever. But he is currently grinning down at me from my pin board and knows I forgive him. He would have loved all this blogging malarkey and Internet stuff. (I swear he has been reincarnated as Gok Wan)
So there you go..a bit more about me! I'll have to have a think about who to pass that tag and award on to...
I'll leave you with this quote sent in an email from my big seems very apt at the moment!
"Whenever God closes one doorway he always opens another,even though sometimes, it's hell in the hallway"